Dear Friends,  

King Solomon said, "There is a time for all under the heavens - a time to love, a time to journey, a time to plant, a time to reap, a time to rejoice and a time to mourn." The Rabbi and staff are always there especially in times of need. To offer comfort, guidance and bereavement support. assistance in preparation, officiating at the funeral, the Shiva service etc.
      As Rabbis we are privileged to be part of the most important events in families lives. We rejoice with you at baby namings and circumcisions, we welcome your children at Kids Club  we give counsel before weddings and cry together when loved ones pass on. 
      Rabbis do see much joy as well as tragedy. Yet some unpleasantness can and should be averted. There need not be anxiety, and last minute, difficult decisions about funeral services and burial plots when one is struggling with doctors and debilitating disease.  
   Long Life: Our sages say: Making arrangements for funeral services is a "segulah - lucky charm" for a Long life. 

  Halacha: You will have the peace of mind, knowing that everything will be according to Jewish law. This will also guarantee that you will not be pressured to buy extravagant and wasteful accouterments (i.e. Brass coffins with velvet) and that the actual service will be conducted in accordance with Halacha. 

 For a a comprehensive resource treating the sensitive topic of Loss and Mourning, please click here

For more information please call: 352-291-2218 or email: [email protected]  

Rabbi Yossi Hecht    
Director of Chabd of Marion County/ Ocala & The Villages